Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Cat With a Death Wish

You all remember my NOLA House?  That I slaved away on for a year and obsessed over?

The Building Inspector has a death wish.

Pardon the terrible quality of these photos.  All I had was my phone when I spotted where she was.

Insane!  This cat is insane.  And to get up and down she had to jump and walk all over the Beach Bungalow.

My husband says she has more balls than brains.  Since she's female I don't think she's been blessed with an abundance of either.


  1. Hahah My cats do the same all the time!! no brains either lol, I have to keep the room locked otherwise there would be little left of my dollhouses. By the way that house is wonderful!!

    1. Thank you! She knows better than to be up there...but apparently she thought she could get away with it. I don't have a room I can lock or believe me they'd be under lock and key.

  2. Lolol.. Cats rule the world. You just live in it. :D

    1. LOL very very true.

      But it does explain why I find bits of vine on the floor.

  3. I believe she lacks neither brain or balls, she just thinks it is a playground made especially for her.

    Hugs, Drora

    1. She knows she's not supposed to be there. She just likes to mess with me.

  4. She is the Captain of All she surveys! :)
