Writing & Stuff

So I figured I do a lot of writing of fan fiction and other various things and maybe eventually people would want to look at my stories.  I'll probably put up some of my original stuff, things I wrote for my college courses, on this blog...heck people might even like it.

I've been writing since grade school, poetry mostly, but in high school I took a creative writing class and finally figured out how to finish a story.  Dungeons and Dragons really helped with that after I graduated because I could just write about what happened to my characters during our campaigns.  Eventually that evolved into writing stories about them, giving backgrounds or really just...writing stories. 

I like to think I've improved a great deal, I've learned a lot, especially once I took college courses.  And then I discovered fan fiction which is a blast.  I'm always going to love writing.  And it really helps that my best friend enjoys reading what I write and thinks I'm good at it.

Be warned, anything fanfiction will probably have some raunchy stuff.  At least if it has an 'M' rating.  So Mom, unless you really want to read bodice ripper type fan fiction...

Well I've done my duty. You all have been warned.





  1. Hi Sheila,

    I've seen you around on other blogs so I decided to check your blog out. Delighted to see that you are a writer - and quite a good one. I looked over some of your works and have the following comments.
    1) You have the knack of opening stories well
    2) The writing though tends to be uneven. Sometimes you tend to be didactic (if that's the right word) and other times you create a verbal landscape that transcends the literal.

    3) I honestly am not familiar with your fanfiction subject matter but I found your writing engaging and easy to follow even though totally naive regarding the works they were derived from. Just watch the tendancy to become too prosaic.

    Hope these comments make sense. Tina

    1. Thank you for reading. Making the stories seem smooth and seamless is an ongoing trial but I'm not a professional and just write because I love it.

  2. Hello! I run a miniatures ecommerce store and recently wrote a post for my blog about the best blogs to follow if you love dollhouses and miniatures. With your permission, I would love to include your blog in the roundup. I wrote the below--kindly let me know if you are okay with it appearing in the post. Thanks so much and Happy Holidays! Shenandoah & Stuff
    For the past five years, Shenandoah & Stuff has been turning out great content and photos about a multitude of dollhouse projects. There's little the author won't touch, and she's incredibly resourceful when it comes to finding materials for her projects. Another thing we love is how bright and cheery all her creations are. Amanda Austin
    Founder & President
    Little Shop of Miniatures
    (814) 746-2059
