Sunday, September 20, 2020

Trying To Get Organized

 I haven't posted because I haven't really gotten much done since my last post.  I've been trying to get my space organized, clean my house some, and other hobbies have taken up some of my time.

I have a bad habit of buying things and then not putting them in their proper place.  So I put things away and relocated a few things so I could find them. Hopefully.

I've been debating my next project still.  I'm debating redoing the Gothic Victorian because I'm a little bored with it and there's so much I could do better with it.

But I'm also excited that I've got a couple more out of the norm containers for some little laundry rooms.

So that'll be a lot of fun.  

And I found on Ebay, the cutest little buffalo horn chair.  This is exciting because my grandparents had a buffalo horn chair in their basement and my mom has it now.  I've wanted one forever.

I've been trying to remember that my hobbies are meant to be enjoyed.  They're not something I should be putting pressure on myself to do.


  1. Es bueno pararse de vez en cuando a reorganizar e intentar poner un poco de orden,como tú,yo también tiendo a no poner las cosas en su lugar y después no encontrarlas!
    La silla de cuerno de búfalo es una verdadera maravilla!!!

  2. Isn't it fun to get organized? My things never quite stay that way, but it sure does help to find things! I love the little laundry rooms you do. Looking forward to seeing more. And that chair is fabulous! Great find!

  3. Hi Sheila! I myself know lots about where I'm storing my miniature stash, but in the end, when I need things, I can't find them ;)! For you it's refinding miniature treasures, so who knows what will happen....
    Regarding redoing your Gothic Victorian: I think that if I would look back in time and see what I've created back then, I often think that I could do some things better. Mostly because I have learned more of techniques over time, or sometimes I think it's just not nice anymore, or boring, as you say.
    And I also agree with you that hobbies must be fun, as I've just now refound my fun in making miniatures. Sometimes one is too busy, or sometimes it's just due to lack of inspiration. Take your time and when the mini bug returns and will bite you, you'll see that you can create whatever you want ;)!
    Your find on Ebay of the little buffalo horn chair is awesome, it looks beautiful.
    Hugs, Ilona

  4. I try to keep my things in order, but I have to do some general cleaning every now and then. ;) But I like it to be truth.

  5. Hi Sheila. A reorganisation or tidy up always helps. I think we get caught up in things having to be a certain way that we forget to enjoy what we are doing. I recently made the decision to just get in and do something rather than spend days/weeks/months thinking about what it “should” look like, because I get too bogged down in detail, and if I decide later to change something, I will worry about it then. If you want to work on your Victorian Gothic, work on it. It’s always better to work on what you are currently inspired by rather than forcing yourself to finish something else. Do what YOU want. There are no obligations.

  6. Hi Sheila! I'm glad to see you have takes some time to rearrange your supplies! This needs to happen from time to time... although I then can't ever remember the "newer better" place things went to! LOL! I would love to see any of the projects you mentioned... but no pressure! I have a bad habit of starting a new project whenever I can't figure out a detail on a current one.... rather than sitting down and figuring it out! But sometimes that turns out to be a good thing.... so now I just go with the flow....! I hope you enjoy whichever project you start! It is supposed to be fun! :)

  7. Good luck on the organization.. I find it nearly impossible lol
    Glad you were able to score the chair! cant wait to see it in action.

  8. Good luck with the organization! I envy you.
    The little buffalo horn chair is very cute.
    Hugs, Drora

  9. Sheila, that buffalo horn chair is hideous and fascinating all at once. I think I would have bought it too, I love it in pretend-scale. The fact that you have good memories of a real-life one makes it extra special.
    When my creative energy is low, I organize my stash. Sometimes it also inspires me to do something new. I look forward to seeing what you do next!
